Fin des Daft Punk : les (nombreuses) réactions des DJs et artistes
Publié : 22 février 2021 à 16h25 par Antony Harari
L'arrêt officiel des Daft Punk a suscité un large émoi chez les nombreux fans du duo casqué.
Mais preuve de l'influence démesurée des Daft sur la scène électronique, l'annonce d'hier a entraîné immédiatement une pluie de réactions des DJs sur les réseaux sociaux. Un hommage unanime comme on en voit rarement...
I don’t think there’s any other band that inspired me the way #DaftPunk did. Unparalleled in everything that they touched. Especially when it comes to the passion + love they put into their work. Saw them live in 2007 & it was the best concert of my life. #DaftPunk forever �x��x��xS
— Purple Disco Machine (@PurpleDiscoM) February 22, 2021
Il ne sont pas réellement morts, mais nous pleurons quand même. Rien n'est rationnel avec les Daft.
— Michael Canitrot (@michaelcanitrot) February 22, 2021
C'était bien plus qu'un simple groupe, leur musique est éternelle, elle fait partie de notre chair, de notre sang... à jamais �x� #DaftPunk
— Disclosure (@disclosure) February 22, 2021
Daft Punk
— Madeon (@madeon) February 22, 2021
1993 - 2021 Long live DaftPunk
— Møme (@momeofficial) February 22, 2021
Rarement un groupe aura autant influencé la musique. Bravo pour la carrière et bravo pour avoir le courage de mettre une fin à une aventure que l’on croyait éternelle. @daftpunk
— JoachimGarraud (@JoachimGarraud) February 22, 2021
“Daft Punk - Discovery” was the first album I ever bought.
— Zedd (@Zedd) February 22, 2021
“One More Time” is the first electronic song I ever fell in love with.
I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for Daft Punk.
Long live the kings that paved the way for EDM �x"R
I remember how those gorgeous French robots got lucky and locked us out of heaven all night at the 2013 Grammys. I couldn't even be mad for 3 minutes
— Mark Ronson (@MarkRonson) February 22, 2021
thinking about being 11 and exploring limewire, searching “daft punk music videos” and seeing interstella 5555 piece by piece. seeing that fusion of electronic music and anime for the very first time . haahhhhhhghj damn i am crying
— porter robinson (@porterrobinson) February 22, 2021
Daft Punk you gave me the greatest musical experience in my life that still pumps in my veins reminding me why I love what I do and the community I’m part of. Thank you with all my soul for your existence alone. Now let’s play Daft Punk all day every day!!!
— Steve Aoki (@steveaoki) February 22, 2021
Não tenho vídeo gravado do show deles, mas tenho esse no b3b que rolou com @VintageCulture, @KungsMusic e @sonnyfodera
— Léo das Vibez �a�️ (@leeonasc_) February 22, 2021
One More Time é top 10 da música eletrônica!
Goodbye you LEGENDS thank you for inspiring me to make electronic music when I was a kid �x��x #DaftPunk #Forever
— Don Diablo (@DonDiablo) February 22, 2021
— Fakear (@Fakearmusic) February 22, 2021
— MΞRCΞR (@Mercer_Music) February 22, 2021
Thank you DAFT PUNK for everything! We will miss you! #legends
— Alesso (@Alesso) February 22, 2021
Daft Punk was the first electronic music I listened when I was a kid. They always been my favorite group, my biggest inspiration and they’ll always be. I’m so sad today, my life wouldn’t be the same if Daft Punk had never existed. Respect and thank you Thomas and Guyman ❤️�xܭ�x!Èx!�
— Tony Romera (@TonyRomera) February 22, 2021
— CAMELPHAT (@CamelPhat) February 22, 2021
The Love Is REAL ❤️
La chanteuse Chris y est aussi allée de son hommage aux Daft Punk
Eternally grateful
— Chris (@QueensChristine) February 22, 2021